How To Select a Authentic Designer Handbags in a World Full of Replicas?
Author: Mabel Xie
To most of women in this planet, a good man or more is the ultimate goal of her love experience, and a designer handbag or more are the must-have item in her material desire list. For rich women, they have no problem when it comes to buying many designer handbags. But for many other, they have to save quite a long time to spoil themselves with a good brand handbag. So the skills to tell fake from original is essential for them when selecting a authentic handbags in this planet full of replicas. Here ijust share some a few facts i learn from my bloody road to the authentic handbag world. Hope they will help you with your next designer handbag purchase. 1. I would advise you to first of all look out for an authenticity card. Many designers like Fendi, Burberry, Gucci and Prada include authenticity cards with their merchandise. These cards have simple information that is clear to see. Details about your designer handbag such as the model number plus a magnetic strip or bar code. If the designer handbag you purchased has an inside pocket, you will find your authenticity card in there. 2. Furthermore, some Fendi designer handbags come with their authenticity cards packaged in a sealed foil bag. You will find Prada enclose their cards in small individual envelopes with the Prada logo at the front. You will discover that one is similar to a Credit Card with a magnetic strip on the back and Prada written on the front. The other card has the item details plus the style number. 3. Any fashion item with a designer label is expensive due to the value that has been built into the name of that designer over a couple of years. Just the name of a designer leaves a certain impression in our minds. When I say Gucci Indy handbag, what springs to your mind. Cheap, ordinary and tasteless? Absolutely not! You imagine a woman with style, wealth and sophistication carrying a designer bag that attracts envious stares and regular complements. A woman who is not afraid to be the center of attention. Therefore, if the designer handbag you want to buy is at a price that looks to good to be true, then it probably is. 4. You will find that most authentic designer handbags have a signature logo on them. Authentic Prada handbags have a triangle metal logo attached to the front or side of their handbags. Authentic Fendi handbags have the inter-twining double F design around their merchandise. Burberry has the signature plaids with a brown background. Gucci have the signature G splashed all over their bags. If you notice a designer handbag with a funny looking logo, then this should immediately flash a red flag in your mind. 5. As your authentic designer handbag collection grows, you will notice that most designer handbags will have their signature brand name monogram lining. This is true for Louis Vuitton handbags , Gucci purses, Prada handbags and Fendi purses. This is just a way for the designers to differentiate their merchandise from their competitors. 6. This designer monogram is woven into the fabric. You cannot find this with fake luxury bags. The linings are always smooth, silky and in some cases are even satin. The color of the lining depends on the outer color of the handbag and they always compliment each other. The lining on fake bags is usually a stiff fabric and no attention to detail is paid to the lining. 7. Finally, if you are buying a bag from a downtown roadside shop, then do not expect an authentic designer handbag. If the designer handbag is as cheap as chips, then do not expect to get an authentic designer handbag. If there is no logo to show that you are a buying a designer leather handbag or designer purse from Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Prada, Fendi or Burberry then you are definitely buying a fake.
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read more about Jimmy Choo Handbags and Prada Handbags at designer handbags blog
Friday, October 30, 2009
Designer handbags choosing the right handbag
Music on PSP3 How to
How Do I Put Music On My PSP?
Author: Marcus Rolland
Sony Playstation Portable or PSP has become very versatile in terms of its applications and functional approach. The initial thought of having a portable game console have paved the road of multi-tasking and multi-function console, it sure has out grown its creativity from creator. The PSP console is more than just a game consoles, it has the capability as a portable video & movie player, web browser, personal organizer, music player and more.
I'm going to share with you how do I put music on my PSP and making it my universal digital walkman. It is a very simple procedure to put any of your favorite music into PSP. Before we begin discussing how to download or transfer music on to the PSP, we must understand that PSP do not accept all forms or formats of music file. Depending on the version of firmware your PSP is loaded. Early version of PSP firmware can only playback mp3 music format and it does not support playback of WMA and WMV audio files, making it less appreciable. However much later, firmware of PSP is able to playback WMA and WMV audio files. To do that on any early version, the PSP firmware needs to be upgraded to playback WMA and WMV audio files directly from PSP. And even if your PSP are able to playback WMA and WMV audio files I would not recommend because of its file size compare to mp3 format.
Generally mp3 music or audio file format takes up far less storage space compare to any audio or music file format. To convert any audio file format is relatively a simple task as lots of mp3 file format converter programs are already available from the internet. You can find huge list of mp3 format converter from the search engine and most of them are capable of converting any music or audio file format to mp3. The procedure provided by most mp3 file format converter program are most dummy proofed. Hardly anyone will find any difficulties in using these programs.
Once you have converted you favorite music files to mp3 then you are ready to put music on PSP. To put music on PSP you first need to connect your PSP to your PC by using the USB cable. Next, you press "Home" button and follow by scroll to "Setting" using the left-right buttons. And finally you search for "USB Connection" and press the "X" button to enter your selection.
On your PC, it will begin to show a removable drive has been detected and mounted on "My Computer" window. Click and open the new removable drive and a folder named "PSP" will appear within the drive. Open the "PSP" folder and you should find "Music" folder from within it. If the "Music" folder does not exist, manually create it yourself.
Now you can begin to put your favorite music on PSP console. Simply drag and drop if you like or copy & paste your favorite music and store in this folder of the memory stick. Once you are finished with transferring or putting your music file onto PSP, press the "O" button on your Sony PSP console to exit your PSP from the USB connection. Unplug your Sony PSP from the USB connection and you can begin playback your mp3 music files and simply enjoy your music anywhere and anytime you want.
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Marcus Rolland is an PSP enthusiast, For more information on How Do I Put Music On My PSP check out Where you can get informative articles on How you can Put Music On your PSP.
My space secrets
Tips How to View Private Myspace Profiles
Author: PJ
We all notice that if you are a MySpace user, you've come across some profiles that you're dying taboo to view but only to catch out that they're set to private. You realize that the simply way to view their profile is to add them as a friend and hope they accept. Unfortunately, nearly of the time they don't know you and they wont accept your friend request. However, I can show you how to view private profiles on MySpace.
I know personally, I've stumbled upon a profile of someone I thought I recognized. All I need to do is look into some more pictures on their profile to be sure. But when I try to view their MySpace profile, I find it's set to private. Now I see the only way I can view their pictures is to send a friend request to them. But we all know that this can be tiresome and most of the time not work at all. If their profile is set to private, they'll most potentially not add you as a friend.
Private profiles is a great feature on MySpace, however they can be a real annoying when it comes to finding friends that you haven't seen in a long time, or becoming friends with someone that you think look cool.
Fortunately, I came across a site recently in some dark corner of the internet. On this site, you can enter the MySpace user ID and it will return with every picture that user uploaded on their profile, without having to send a friend request or gain access to their private MySpace profile. This is the greatest tool i've found in a long time. Now for all of that have wondered, here is a new way to view Private MySpace profiles . There, you'll find how to view private MySpace profiles.
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Check out MySpace Trends for more information on How to View Private MySpace Profiles, and everything else that is MySpace.
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Halloween Supplies
Saving Hundreds With Unused Halloween Supplies
Author: Joshua Watson
Re-using Halloween supplies year after year cuts down on your Halloween expenditures over a period of time. These cost-effective measures add up because you're not paying for new Halloween supplies each year. This amounts to a tremendous savings over time. You must ensure if you are re-using Halloween supplies, that you store all the Halloween items in a large box and mark it "Halloween supplies."
It also is not a bad idea to list each item that you have stored on the outside of the box. There's no way that you'll remember what items you have packed away. So, by enumerating the items on the outside of the box, you will be able to check your inventory without scavenging through the whole box in order to check on your Halloween supplies the following year.
If you were ever disappointed about a party or celebration that you looked forward to as a child but were denied for no reason of your own, then you can empathize with a child who can not have a Halloween party because his parents can't afford the supplies.
This does not have to happen to you - you don't have to disappoint your child because you feel that the cost of the Halloween supplies is too much for your budget to handle. You can eliminate this problem and put a smile on your young one's face again by re-using Halloween supplies.
You can find a slew of discounted Halloween supplies in supermarkets, super stores, party supply stores, and online. Make sure that you purchase mainly those items that can be preserved through storage year after year.
While you will not be able to preserve the pumpkins that you buy this season, you can certainly save the decorations and pens used to decorate the pumpkins.
What we are suggesting is that people need to use their creativity and ingenuity by re-using Halloween supplies. You just need to be pro-active and store your re-usable Halloween items in a safe place, label the box, and remember where you store it.
Here are some suggestions for re-using Halloween supplies as a cost-effective measure:
- Have some oldies records available to play to add to the atmosphere of Halloween. One such oldie would be "Monster Mash" by Bobby Boris Pickett. The song, a No. 1 smash from the week of Halloween in 1962, is best known for knocking the Four Seasons classic Sherry out of the top spot on the Billboard survey.
- In order to make fog each year, build your own fog machine from a PVC pipe and an old picnic cooler.
- Buy re-usable Halloween costumes such as witch's outfits with brooms, skeletons, vampire, zombies and costumes from other themes of your choosing.
- Put recorded music as a programmed theme for your doorbell. You can de-program your door bell when Halloween is over, and re-program the door bell in time for Halloween next year.
- If you have pets, such as dogs or cats, buy an outfit for them in a pet store. You can use the outfit each succeeding year without incurring the cost of additional purchases.
- You can re-use Halloween flags and banners each year, or keep the Halloween spirit alive around your home all year long.
By re-using Halloween supplies as a cost-effective measure, you will make it possible to provide true Halloween spirit year after year, and not have to refinance your home.
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halloween word searches puzzles
For a fright night halloween Crossword Puzzle - and Halloween Crosswords
I found a few places you can get your Free Halloween Puzzles This Halloween, look at these free themed crosswords, word search puzzles all about Halloween
Your free halloween word puzzles here
Halloween Word Search Puzzle Print Free for your halloween adventures
Happy Halloween! Free activities for kids
tags: halloween word searches, free halloween word searches, printable halloween word searches, halloween reading activities, halloween crossword puzzles
Friday, October 23, 2009
Pumpkin carving patterns templates
pumpkin carving patterns templates
Halloween is here again and its time to clean pumpkins from the supermarkets and markets. Why would I want anyway anything to do with wasting food for a 1 hour spooky zombie pumpkins, carving pumpkin, jack o lantern or the famous carving patterns for halloween anyway?
Since you are in for Pumpkin carving ride then the only place you will get good pumpkin pictures and halloween pumpkin templates
Send all those pumpkins to Ethiopia where the people have not seen the rains for a while now and use this halloween to do good.
Now you are insisting on getting those pumpkin carving templates and patterns anyway.
- Pumpkin carving patterns templates
- Pumpkin carving templates at the readers digest
pumpkin templates
tags:pumpkin patterns, free pumpkin templates, carved pumpkins, pumpkin carving, scary pumpkins
Etichette: pumpkin templates
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
RIP Kanye West: Who is buying on this one now?
Kanye West Dead? No way
If Kanywe west was dead we would be seeing news all over plus TMZ which is a good source for celebrity gossip would have all details by now.
Why is everyone obsessed with Kanye dead, and rip Kanye west of course it's a marketing strategy.
Go to google trends the world searchers are all on kanye west died, kanye west death, is kanye west dead, did kanye west die, kanye west is dead
On twitter Rest in peace Kanye west and hey Kanye west
Kanye west rip here
Stop buy one of my necklace like the one Kanye west has
For home based Moms this is an offer for your launch. Business pack
Etichette: trendy